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10 parents who need a nap

Kids' Activities

We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again. Parenting is one of the hardest, most rewarding jobs in the world. For every precious moment you wish would last forever, there’s at least three more where you wish you could just hit the hay for a second. For all the parents trying hard to keep their eyes open today, we’ve selected some of the funniest tweets that prove that, no matter how exhausting, parenting is always worth the struggle.

  1. Every parent has this playlist on repeat.

- Do You Have To Go Potty?
- Are You Sure?
- Don’t Wipe Your Nose On That
- Time To Get Up
- Fruit Snacks Are Not A Food Group
- Seriously, Time To Get Up
- Of Course I’ll Kiss Your Stuffed Animals Good Night
- No Not All Of Them

— Join the Cult of Amy. We have cookies #BLM🏳️‍🌈🦈 (@Froschauer_AF) December 16, 2021
  1. With “may cause drowsiness” being the first disclaimer.

My wife’s friend came over yesterday. She asked my wife, “What’s parenting like?”

My wife replied, “You know all the side effects they list on prescription drug commercials? It’s like that.”

— A Proud Deplorable (2) (@justmeagain34) December 16, 2021
  1. Well done kids. Mommy needs more coffee, apparently.

Parenting is about feeling proud that your kids remembered to unload the dishwasher and then realizing you'd forgotten to turn it on.

— AparnaRC (@Wordesse) December 16, 2021
  1. Yeah, nothing really prepares you for that one.

My 3 y/o was having a meltdown and to calm him down I had to let him eat pretend tacos out of my hand. This is the stuff they should write about in parenting books.

— One Awkward Mom (@oneawkwardmom) December 12, 2021
  1. Zzzzzzzzzzz…

Me before kids: I'll sleep when I'm dead

Me with kids: I'm dead#momlife #parenting

— Romp and Roar (@RompAndRoar) December 15, 2021
  1. I mean spending time with the kids is top priority but… do any of these experts actually HAVE kids?

Parenting Experts: Give your children the gift of spending more time with you this holiday season!

Me: Or how about some Lego

— OyToTheWorld (@OyVeyLady) December 14, 2021
  1. Here’s hoping!

He found something on the ground. Hopefully it's edible.

-me parenting

— CC (@CCRuns) December 16, 2021
  1. Here’s another scenario that’s not in the books.

My toddler snuggled close with me. She gave me a delicate kiss on the nose, put my cheeks in her hands, and

Screamed “butthole!” in my face. #toddlers #parentlife

— Becka Grose 🎄 (@benditlikebecka) December 14, 2021
  1. When does Daddy Pig get a break?

There are days where I feel my inner monologue is that of the narrator in Peppa Pig.

"Today, Daddy Pig is replacing the recently purchased televsion in the living room, because it has been smashed."

"Today, Daddy Pig is booking yet another PCR test."#parenting #parentlife

— Dave Green (@namespace_dave) December 14, 2021
  1. But remember, parenting is never without its rewards!

I have a 3 year old and as a gift today he decided to give me one of his boogers...🤣 well, at least he's willing to share I guess. #ParentLife

— Jeremy Boyle (@SeattleHockey16) December 15, 2021

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