From the family delight of Thanksgiving to the wonder and joy of Christmas morning, holidays with kids are so worth the extra effort. Now that we’re past Thanksgiving and headed into the Christmas season, let’s take a moment to reflect on the best parts of spending the holidays with kids.
- The Unconventional Meals
The 3yo, without any kind of prompting, asked for pie for breakfast. So I guess it’s just universal knowledge that that’s what you eat the morning after Thanksgiving 🤷♀️ #momlife #parenting
— Megan A. Clancy (@mclancyauthor) November 26, 2021
- The Extra Playtime
My kids from Aug 17-Nov 17: I don’t want to do homework! I’m too tired for school!
— jojodancer (@JoBobPruck) November 22, 2017
My kids during Thanksgiving break: let’s play school! Can you make play homework?! #parenting #HappyThanksgiving
- The Crescent Rolls
Thanksgiving spread: Deep-fried turkey, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, onion pie, dressing, crescent rolls, and deviled eggs.
— A.J. Roberts (@A_J_Roberts) November 26, 2021
The kid ate 3 crescent rolls. That was it. #HappyThanksgiving #toddlerlife #dadlife #parenting #parenthood #Thanksgiving2021 #Thanksgiving
- Learning New Things
I learn from my 3 yr old today its not "sweet potato's" , it "potato ice cream" , and now you know #parenting #happythanksgiving
— DUSTFiN 65 yrd TD (@DustFin13) November 27, 2015
- So Much to be Thankful For
My 6-year-old: “I’m thankful for family, food, school...”
— Jessica Bautista (@OurLifeinAZ) November 26, 2020
My 3-year-old: “I’m thankful for me. And kangaroos.”#momlife #parenting #boymom #momblog #HappyThanksgiving #ThankfulThursday
- Thinking Ahead
Me: What’re you guys thankful for?
— Single Asian Dad (SAD_MN) (@SingleAsianDad) November 24, 2021
4: I’m thankful for mom and dad and my iPad.
6: I’m thankful for Christmas presents.
Me: I like your forward thinking.#parenthood #parenting #Thanksgiving
- REALLY Thinking Ahead
My 6yo to my 9yo: "Let's go to bed early so Santa can come!"
— Jamie Houck-Bell (@mommalifeyo) November 25, 2021
Me: "You know it is #Thanksgiving tomorrow & not Christmas right?"
Her look of confusion was priceless. ❤ #mommalifeyo #momlife #motherhood #mommies #thingskidssay #parenting #holidays #GobbleGobble
- Creating New Traditions
My children have invented a new holiday because “there aren’t enough prank holidays in this world,” so “Ho-ho-hoax” on December 1 is now a thing at our house, apparently. #parenting #holidays
— Dr. Amy Baeder (@aebaeder) November 26, 2021
- The Gift Giving
Me: (opening a mug and matching fuzzy socks from my 15yo): These are totally my aesthetic!
— Abbey Nash (@nash_abbey) November 26, 2021
15yo: Please don’t ever say that again. #parenting #momlife
- Visiting Santa!
Me: You want to go visit Santa?
— christine anne - tiny fiery human tamer (@christinepeirce) November 26, 2021
6: No.
Me: Why?
6: I don't want to eng up on the naughty list.
Me: Are you scared you will do something in front if Santa?
6: Yes.
😳 #parenting